From another hand, Majorana could not miss the point that each time he faced with only one reality but not two (or more) its alternative versions simultaneously. With his permanent pessimism, such inevitable disappointment could lead to a tragic result, so version 2) cannot be excluded. Whatever real history of Majorana be after disappearance, in any case we seem to be able to recover one important detail. In our view, Majorana provided himself with an alternative identity card – not only because of necessity to solve a pragmatic task but also for the reasons explained above. And, even if his life finished tragically, he had some time to feel himself as someone else.
Generalizing previous observations, we must conclude that, for Majorana, the most important property of the world was plurality of reality, the existence of alternatives. As a result, in such an Universe possibilities appear that would have been mutually inconsistent in a classical world. Imaging other’s reaction to his disappearance and the variants which they had to take into account (thus, in a sense taking their viewpoint), Majorana could himself turn into a conditional spectator, watching mentally different version of his fate.
Then, such plurality means even something more than simply analogue or imitation of laws of quantum mechanics. Even in quantum mechanics with its unavoidable probabilistic nature in each experiment eventually only one choice of alternatives occurs. Meanwhile, the preceding analysis forces us to think that it was important for Majorana to embrace and feel different alternatives just as real events – at least through perception of other people. In other words, to live or feel different variants of his fate including his own death.
This circumstance strengthens arguments against version 2) – at least, Majorana could not commit suicide at once since he needed to spend some time as an observer of different version of his own fate. Thus, according to our approach, the key role in motive powers of Majorana has been played by the idea about plurality of worlds, interpreted not as a set of abstract possibilities (from which only one is realized), but rather as real variants.
It is striking that in recent years such an idea indeed appeared in science, namely in quantum cosmology based on inflation theory and quantum theory. There exists an infinite number of universes but only a finite number of possible histories. One of consequences consists in that if in a given region of spacetime some history is realized, its other variants are inevitably realized somewhere else...