One of the reviewers of this book (Dr. William A. Irwin) said that Worlds in Collision was a sin worse than communism and prostitution taken together, and announced to be the great peril of our time. ''I was compelled by logic and by evidence to penetrate into so many premises of the house of science. I admit to repeated fires, though the candle in my hands was carried only for illumination." Immanuel Velikovsky ''I consider the Velikovsky incident a twentieth-century example of what happened to Galileo when church authorities forced him to recant his findings, or in general of what may happen to anyone who advances a hypothesis too extraordinary for the times he or she lives in. It seems to matter not whether the hypothesis is right or wrong, but only that it is completely unacceptable to the ‘authorities' of the times for it to provoke an unscientific response.''
Tom Van Flandern, Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets, 1999, p. 357
Immanuel Velikovsky was one of the greatest scientists of modern times. However, he fell victim to one of the most intense slander campaign since the Middle Ages.
''Declaring that of the five worst mankind, the 'genius maniac' is the most powerful killer, he [Dr. Harlow Shapley, Director of the Harvard Observatory] suggested genius could be controlled by killing off, in the infancy; 'all primates that show any evidence of promised genius, or even talent.' His drastic remedy was made in speech to the American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS] in Boston, Mass. Members elected him president for 1947."
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Jan 9.1947 See the Shapley's scientific record: https: // ''Harmony or stability in the celestial and terrestrial spheres is the point of departure of the present-day concept of the world as expressed in the celestial mechanics of Newton and the theory of evolution of Darwin. If these two men of science are sacrosanct, this book is a heresy. However, modern physics is a dramatic change in the microcosm, the atom, the prototype of the solar system; a theory then, that imagines dissimilar events in the macrocosm, the solar system, brings the concepts of physics to the celestial sphere. This book is written for the instructed and uninstructed alike. No formula and no hieroglyphic will stand in the way of those who set out to read it. If, occasionally, historical evidence does not square with formulated laws, it should be remembered that a law is but a deduction from experience, and experiment, and therefore laws must conform with historical facts, not facts with laws.'' Immanuel Velikovsky, Preface to ''Worlds in Collision'' ''The behavior of the scientific community was and partly still is a psychological phenomenon. The spectacle of the scientific establishment going through all the paces of self degradation has nothing with which to compare in the past, though every time a new leaf in science was turned over there was a minor storm, and it is not without precedent that most authoritative voices in science usually served to discourage the trail blazers—think of Lord Kelvin, unsurpassed authority of later Victorian days, who rejected Clerk Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, demeaned Guglieimo Marconi’s radiotelegraphy, and till his death in 1907 proclaimed Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen for a charlatan...
''The behavior of the scientific community was and partly still is a psychological phenomenon. The spectacle of the scientific establishment going through all the paces of self degradation has nothing with which to compare in the past, though every time a new leaf in science was turned over there was a minor storm, and it is not without precedent that most authoritative voices in science usually served to discourage the trail blazers—think of Lord Kelvin, unsurpassed authority of later Victorian days, who rejected Clerk Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, demeaned Guglieimo Marconi’s radiotelegraphy, and till his death in 1907 proclaimed Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen for a charlatan...
And if a professor of astronomy puts passages in my book, then he can still sound his ears in his ears. In these antics, an experienced psychoanalyst recognizes a state of anxiety. Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin of Harvard wrote 'we are shaking in our shoes-but with laughter.' Actually the astronomers of the university must have been threatened by the book and even the entire generation later, acting as if in peril, a Nobel prize winner wrote to a high school girl to close Worlds in Collision and not to open it again, only to admit, to read the book. Those who act almost suicidally should keep their fingers on the pulse of time.'' Immanuel Velikovsky, 1974, My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science Worlds in Collision, Macmillan & Co, New York, 1950; 1st edition, 1st printing (stated), p. xiii, 401: index, hardback covers; the spine is sunned; fine condition; signed and inscribed by author. This presentation copy is dated in hebrew: ''erev pesach''/Eve of Passover, that is, April 1, (or March 31) 1950. It is noteworthy that the first copies of Worlds in Collision were reported in bookstores only on April 3. As a result, our copy is one of the few copies received by Velikovsky under the Macmillan contract. On February 25, 1974, the AAAS organized a symposium on Velikovsky's ideas. The meeting was held like a medieval disputation. Velikovsky outdid himself in the fight with the inquisitors. However, he was pleased that his views could be compared by those of the scientific community. As a result, in March of the same year, Velikovsky offered 'with appreciation' a copy of World Collision to Leonard M. Rieser, who worked on the Manhattan Project and was the president of the AAAS in '74. See the transcript of the symposium (pp. 616-685): We added this copy, as a bonus: Doubleday, undated, New York, pp. x iii, 401: index; signed and inscribed by author; the dust jacket is sunned; fine condition. Price: USD 3,000,000.00 (for both copies) The Einstein - Velikovsky correspondence is discussed here: