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Landmarks in the History of Science » Physics-Astronomy » Sun's Motion and Sunspots - The Astronomical Journal, Volume 70, Number 3, 1965, The American Institute of Physics

Sun's Motion and Sunspots - The Astronomical Journal, Volume 70, Number 3, 1965, The American Institute of Physics

Autor: Paul D. Jose
Cod: 9612
In stoc: Da

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''The complex planetary synchronization structure of the solar system, which since Pythagoras of Samos (ca. 570–495 BC) is known as the music of the spheres, is briefly reviewed from the Renaissance up to contemporary research. Copernicus’ heliocentric model from 1543 suggested that the planets of our solar system form a kind of mutually ordered and quasi-synchronized system. From 1596 to 1619 Kepler formulated preliminary mathematical relations of approximate commensurabilities among the planets, which were later reformulated in the Titius-Bode rule (1766-1772) that successfully predicted the orbital position of Ceres and Uranus. Following the discovery of the ∼11 yr sunspot cycle [Schwabe cycle], in 1859 Wolf suggested that the observed solar variability could be approximately synchronized with the orbital movements of Venus, Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. Modern research have further confirmed that: (1) the planetary orbital periods can be approximately deduced from a simple system of resonant frequencies; (2) the solar system oscillates with a specific set of gravitational frequencies, and many of them (e.g. within the range between 3 yr and 100 yr) can be approximately constructed as harmonics of a base period of ∼178.38 yr [Jose cycle]; (3) solar and climate records are also characterized by planetary harmonics from the monthly to the millennia time scales... The general conclusion is that the solar system works as a resonator characterized by a specific harmonic planetary structure that synchronizes also the Sun’s activity and the Earth’s climate.''
                      Nicola Scafetta, The Complex Planetary Synchronization Structure of the Solar System, 2014

''To conclude it seems that there is a relationship between the planet positions and the movement of the Sun about the Solar System Barycenter which is further linked to Solar output. It also appears that there is an association between these positions and variations in our climate, producing cyclical long-term warming periods and grand minima. The cycles are subject to a slow change in synchronicity and this may account for very long term variations and quasi-periodicity. We do not know the mechanism [emphasis added EM] by which Solar output is changed or whether the relationship detailed is one of several affecting Solar output.''
                      Gray Stevens 

See also a brilliant article conceived by Ivanka Charvatova: 


Sun's Motion and Sunspots - The Astronomical Journal, Volume 70, Number 3, 1965, The American Institute of Physics, pp. 193-200; soft covers, fine condition; rare copy, not ex-library.

Price: USD 2,000,000.00